With the hope of improving our NAVEX participation and organization numbers, I’ve implemented a short (22 km) NAVEX rally, using the Richta Rally System, in the New Minas/Kentville area. I’m hoping this will expose interested crews to the Richta System and beginner crews to NAVEX in general.
The rally begins at, and ends in the vicinity of the Irving Big Stop in New Minas, just off of Hwy 101 Exit 12. It is run completely on paved roads so any type of vehicle is suitable.
There’s no cost to this. Teams can download the free Richta Competitor app to their Apple or Android smartphone, contact me for a start number, general instructions and route instructions, register with the “Test ASCC Valley Rally” on the Competitor app, and complete the rally at their leisure should they be in the Annapolis Valley and have a half-hour to spare. It’s a very simple rally with no tricks or traps. It’s also not competitive. While I can register scores through the Scoreboard and Rallymaster apps, no scores will be published.
I would appreciate word-of-mouth and social media distribution of this test rally. NAVEX is arguably the least expensive form of organized motorsport and we need to promote it and expand our offerings. Increased participation in NAVEX has the potential to benefit our other disciplines.
I will post it to the Atlantic Canada Topless Cruisers, Miata Atlantic Canada, Maritime Miata Club and BATANS Facebook groups. Thanks in advance for your help. Thanks as well to Rich Bireta, the developer of the Richta system, for adding this rally to his database and for his constant development of the Richta system and support of rallying. Contact me for further info or instructions.