Hi everyone,
While keeping an eye on the COVID-19 situation for another year- we will continue to have the AGM as planned with a hybrid of in-person & online meetings/workshops.
Due to technical difficulties, the meeting room at the Hampton Inn is not available for November 20/21. Arrangements are being made for meetings to be held at the Millbrook Cultural & Heritage Centre. Rooms have been blocked for us at the Super 8 Motel which is just 2 doors away from the Cultural Centre.
The overall agenda is as follows:
Saturday November 20th
8:30am – 10:00am Administration Workshop
10:15am – 11:00pm Kart Workshop
11:15am – 12:15pm Rally Workshop
1:15pm – 2:30pm Solo Workshop
2:45pm – 5:30pm Race Workshop
Sunday November 21st
9:00 am – 12:00 pm AGM and Calendar Meeting
Like last year each Director will be responsible for keeping a list of in-person participants with contact information and for setting up a Google or Zoom meeting. Please contact each discipline director if you are planning to attend in person as there is a maximum of 50 people permitted in the meeting room.
- Race- Joel Nelson-
race@armsinc.ca- Solo- Ming Wong
autoslalom@armsinc.ca Alex Brunt-
performancesolo@armsinc.ca-Karting- Jeff Martin-
jeffreymartin1366@gmail.com-Rally- Clarke Paynter-
jogleft@aol.comIn order to meet Covid19 protocols, someone will be at the door for each meeting checking all participants' vaccination status. ONLY people who are DOUBLE VACCINATED AT LEAST 14 DAYS PRIOR will be permitted to enter. If the person entering is not known to the person at the door, they will also be requesting a piece of identification. Masks should be worn if you cannot physical distance.
There will be no reception or banquet and any awards will be presented at the Discipline meetings or the AGM meeting.